Weight Comparison

Friday, 20 August 2010
Here's a comparison between Pre-Skinny and Post-Skinny, both roughly around the 10st 5lbs mark. (Maybe a bit heavier now). 

The first picture was taken in Magaluf in 2008, just after I lost the 'Freshers Fat'. The latter taken a week or so ago. 

I even tried to recreate the pose! Haha. Finally filling out a little bit! Woop.

Workout Progress - Front Edition Pt.1

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

So yeah. Here's a quick front comparison. I will get proper pics soon in the same posture etc for an accurate comparison. But this is just to show the overall progress I've made.

It's odd. I still consider myself quite skinny. But when I look at that picture there, it's actually quite gross and I'm sure you'll agree! I look deathly thin. Much better now!
Still a long way to go. Just starting 4-6 weeks of some serious gaining with a few more supplements than I normally take - just to bust through my current plateau. After that (or when I run out of supps - not wasting 'em, they're fecking expensive) I'll resume back to just the protein. 

All along trying not to gain any fat so am trying to eat right. I'm a changed man now compared to what I was just a months ago with regard to snacking. I would pig out on biscuits, chocolate, crisps, ice creams every day - convincing myself that cos I was working out it was okay. But now I've cut it out dramatically. Was hard at first but cravings soon went away. I still allow myself a cheat day every week where I can eat what I want. What's the point in working so hard if you can never reward yourself or have stuff you like? 

So then after this bulk up, will be off the carbs (or lowering them anyway) and trying to cut my body fat percentage right down. Then we might be getting somewhere! 

All in time for me to go travelling and completely fuck the diet and the working out and lose all the gains I've made! haha. Least I'll be smoking hot for the beaches for a little while though! Besides, I'm sure they have gyms. If not, bodyweight circuits it is.